Saturday 29 September 2012


1. Well designed presentation!
Personal subject!
Relevant research
Primary photos!
2. Addressed a range of choices
Chose something personal
Good illustrations
3. In depth - positive
Real good visuals
Interesting to look at
Strong ideas
4. Really nice visuals on slides
Good links with research and designs
5. Good illustrations!!
Presentation looks really good - type goes with illustration
Clear presentation!

1. Could have shown more of your design process
2. Product placement range
Image development
3. Include more info
Different medias and scale
4. Maybe more design development?
5. More research?

What I picked up most from the feedback given to me after my presentation, is that the group would have liked to have seen more of my design process and how I got to the stage that I did. My work went through a lot of changes and design ideas in order to get to the point that it did, therefore it would have been nice to have displayed this. I will make sure that the process that I went through is all up on my blog and clearly labelled. 
It was also stated that it would have been nice to have more info up on my slides, however, from personal experience, and whilst going through the rest of the groups presentations, I find it quite difficult to both listen to the presenter and also read what is coming up on the slides. I chose to keep the text on my slides to a minimum so that I could explain each point, however I do understand that it may be easier for others to have it there available to read. 
Whilst talking to the group, context also cropped up, and a number of areas were suggested, including:
- London fashion week
- Museums
- Train stations
- The Eurostar

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